OK, so it's been over a week since we've posted anything relevant. Let's get up to speed, then we can proceed as normal-
VBS was a smashing success. We had nearly 70 kids, 2 of which made professions of faith, and over 120 people at our family night. Also, instead of a missions offering this year, we had a canned food drive, and the kids brought over 300 items for the Jasper Shares food place. So over all- huge success. Also, the class that brought the most food items got to hit me and Paul, our youth minister, with pies. To see more pics, go to Facebook- our friend Bridgette White uploaded a lot of good ones.
Last Tuesday, we finally bought a truck. It's a 2005 Silverado, and I really like it. We had been talking, praying, and thinking about it for several months now, and decided to do it. There were a lot of factors in the decision, but one of the biggest ones was Sam is on the way, and we wanted to get something a little more reliable and safe than "the green bomb."
Sam is about 8 weeks away. Liz is still getting bigger, which at one point a few weeks ago she didn't think was possible, but she's handled this whole thing like a pro. She hardly complains at all, and when she does it's only at home. There are some women who really milk the pregnant thing in front of others- they play the whole "woe is me" card, because they can get away with it. Who's gonna say anything to a pregnant lady? But not Liz. She genuinely has loved the experience, and it shows in her attitude. I think that for her, it has been a genuine joy to be pregnant, and because it's a joy for her, she's a joy to be around. Boy, did I marry up or what?
Those are the highlights. We'll try to get back to the regular updates. One problem is that my laptop is broken, so we have pretty limited access, but we'll do our best to get back on the ball. Enjoy your day!