Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Details, please!

I feel the need to give you a little more details on yesterday's adventures...Jared didn't give all the details some of you might want to hear. Those who just wanted the pictures...skip this blog.

So our appointment was at 9:00 in the morning, and my motherly instincts already know that Sam isn't really a morning person already. He moves way more at the end of the day and especially when his mommy is trying to go to bed. Knowing this information, I drank a Dr.Pepper with breakfast in the hopes that he would be nice and energetic for Mary, our ultrasound tech (we've had five ultrasounds so yes we are on a first name basis with Mary). To my surprise and delight, there was hardly a wait at the office and we went right back to the room. The next forty minutes Mary had me move from my side to my back (which at this point in the game isn't as easy as it used to be). Our little Sambo is very attached to his hands, we learned. His hands were never in front of his face but they were always right beside him, like he was cuddling with was actually quite cute if you ask me. Finally Mary starts poking me in the stomach in the hopes that Sam will still move his hands. At this point, Sam yawns! I know! Like he was finally rolling out of bed on a Saturday in the summer. That was the neatest thing to see with an ultrasound ever. We got to see Sam's feet, which I'm happy to report each have five toes. We also got to see him making a fist and cuddling next to his face. I don't know if this is a little premature or not, but I think he has my nose...poor guy. Its a lot cuter on his face than it was mine. I told my mom about his nose...she agrees that he might have my nose, but she's hoping he won't have the complex I did about my nose. You see when I was in first grade, I decided that I wanted a nose job, and if my parents wouldn't let me get one then I would have to win the lottery. While I was waiting to be old enough to play the lottery, my face grew into my nose, I guess you could say. At this point in the game Sam should be about 2 1/2 pounds...I need to stress the word SHOULD. Now Jared and I have not been naive about all of this. He and I were both higher 8 pound babies. So I haven't been buying lots of newborn clothes, simply because of genetics. However, Sam is at this point 3 pounds 12 ounces! Yesterday, after our ultrasound we went to the hospital where my sister-in-law Heather had her baby Gavin. In the nursery there was a baby who was smaller than Sam right now! Crazy I know. I'll post pics of the new nephew later. I couldn't believe it. Mary had told me she hoped I hadn't bought a lot of newborn clothes. I told her I hadn't.

Overall, it was an amazing day. Sam is now in the right "position" for his arrival and its so hard to believe how close its getting. It's so neat to look at our babies face. He really is cute and I can't wait to kiss his chubby little cheeks. :) In the words of my wonderful husband, "Who doesn't love a chubby baby?" Very true, very true. Thanks for listening to the details of an already proud mommy.



  1. Remember Savannah....2 pounds 13 ounces...when she was born!

    Isn't it awesome to see Sam like this. I know you are gonna be great parents.

    Praying for you!

  2. So cool!

    "drank a Dr. Pepper.." I didn't hear that!! Lay off the caffeine, chicky! :)
