Sunday, October 2, 2011

Things I love about the "terrible twos"

In light of the "terrible twos" making the debut in our house...I've decided to focus on some things that I'm definitely loving about the stage that Sam is in right now. no particular order, here are some things I just LOVE about our boy right now:

1. I love the way he sings songs like, "YES! Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me soap." or "That's Elmo's WOOOORRRRLLLLDDDDD!"

2. I love how Sam repeats EVERYTHING we say like, "Oh snap!" or "Big fat fail!" (guess who said that?!?) or "Where is it?"

3. I love how Sam is becoming a creature of habit...wait is that a good thing???? Yes it is. He knows every night that we read a bed time story and then a Bible story. However, he absolutely loves to read about "the giant". In fact, after we read a new Bible story he quickly flips through his Bible looking for the giant. :)

4. I love how Sam is so independent. At first, I was upset that I've already given him some negative traits like being independent or hard headed or obsessive. But I've since realized that his independence is teaching him a lot...and he's not afraid to ask for help after trying it on his own first (which makes me super proud).

5. I love to listen to Sam talk to himself about things that we've talked about. For example, the first time we did a puzzle together I would say "Is that where the cow goes? No! That's a pig!" Now, every time he does a puzzle by himself I hear him talking to himself the same way.

6. I love Sam's imagination. He really enjoys playing with trucks and blocks. Jared teaches him how to build things with his blocks and now he's always trying to build different things out of his blocks. He also likes to imagine his stuffed animals doing things, Elmo and Cookie Monster sleeping.

7. I love how Sam is already a great big brother. He absolutely adores Nate. The first thing he does in the morning and the last thing he does at night (and all the time in between) is kiss and hug Nate. He loves to put the lid on the bottle and throw it in the sink for me. And he loves to let me know what Nate's up to. "Nate hungry" or "Nate talking" or "Nate sleeping". But my favorite is, "I kiss Nate" or "I hug Nate". SO STINKIN' SWEET.

So even though the terrible twos are here in full swing, there are lots of fun times in our house. It's so neat to see Sam learning and growing every day. I'm so incredibly thankful for both our boys and pray every day that they would learn to obey the Lord and love Him with all their hearts. What an amazing journey we are on...this parenting business. Crazy good, right?


  1. I loved this post! I'm often struck by something Belle does, especially after a "terrible two" moment (and we're not even there yet!) and I remember how much I love her and her spunky personality.

    A new friend of mine said to me about a month ago, "It is always better to have to reign in an independent personality rather than trying to draw out one." It's really helped me to keep a perspective when she's little miss "I DO IT". :)

    Thanks for the lovely reminder to be thankful.

  2. I MISS YOU! I LOVE reading your blog Elizabeth, you are always finding the positive no matter what. thanks for that!
