Sunday, March 20, 2011

Back to Work....

Well tomorrow is Monday. After 9 days of non school bliss, it's back to the daily grind. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I enjoy teaching and I really have a great group of kids. It's just the whole getting up early business....I HATE getting up early. I'm determined that after this most enjoyable spring break I'm going to make it a point to be more positive about the end of the year. If you're a teacher, you know how crazy the end of school gets. You're thrown with activities, TAKS, grading, parties, and everything in between. BUT...I can do this. This break was just what I needed to get my batteries recharged. I'm not saying that tomorrow is going to be awesome, because I know what I'm faced with. Papers that didn't get graded over spring break, they'll need to be recorded and put in folders, week at a glance needs to be typed and printed, and we start tutorials this week until 4:30 everyday. So I know that just because I'm feeling positive and re-energized doesn't mean that at 5:30 tomorrow morning the devil isn't going to start working on me, because he will. He will tempt me to hit the snooze, which will in turn make me run late for school, which will in turn make me not get things done like I need to, which will then in turn make me cranky and flustered when my kids walk through the door. INSTEAD I'm going to CHOOSE to praise God. CHOOSE to thank Him for the job I do have, whereas some are not as lucky right now. I'm going to CHOOSE that when someone starts griping I'll be the one to point out the positive in the situation or possibly tell them to shut it or go home. :) When I feel frustrated with my kids who still don't know the procedures that we've been practicing/using since August, I will CHOOSE to keep my cool. Tomorrow and for the rest of the year, I will CHOOSE to make it a good year. No one can determine my attitude but me. And I know that God has me there for a reason. I also know that there is NOTHING that God can't do. So when I feel frustrated or tired and ready to throw in the towel, I'm going to remember that God is with me. He's got this all under His control, and there is nothing that He can't do. If He CHOOSES not to, then I'll trust that. If He CHOOSES to do something that isn't what I would do, I'm going to trust Him. I just needed some time away to refocus. Don't you love getting that time to do that? Even if you're not a teacher and you don't get spring you have times when you step away and God allows you some time of refreshment and enlightenment? It's good. God is good. Have a great Monday friends.

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