Sunday, November 28, 2010

Servant's Heart

I came across the neatest idea for cultivating a servant's heart in your children. You can see it by clicking here. Even though I think it's never too young to start teaching your children about the Lord and how He desires us to live, Sam's not quite big enough for this activity just yet. So Jared and I decided to adapt the Creative Homemakers' idea and apply it to our lives daily. We are going to stick with the same "Lord's Hands" principle, but each day we will take a hand with us as we leave our house. Our job is to do something kind for someone and leave the hand in it's place. We could serve someone in our house, at our works, in the comunity, or even a perfect stranger. I think it's a neat way for us to become more aware of ways to reach out and serve those around us.

Our Sunday school lesson was also about having a servant's heart. The conclusion we all came to was that there are tons of opportunities to serve other people if we would just stop and take the time to look around. My desire is to make a difference for the Kingdom in my everyday life in Jasper. For such a time as this, Jared and I are called to serve this community. Though some people just see Jasper as their community where they've grown up, for us it's our mission field. We didn't choose here, God did. And there's gotta to be a reason for it. So we're going to make the most of our time, talents, and resources.

I'm curious to hear other ideas, too. What do you do to teach your children and often to keep your own heart pointed in the right direction?

1 comment:

  1. At our church we do an Angel Tree. Each year I take Gift with me to do the shopping for the designated family. I always try to choose a child about her age (or Ivy's) to help make it more "real" for her. My prayer is that she will know how blessed we are!
