Monday, June 21, 2010

Small victories

Today was the second day of trying to create some independance for Sam. After asking friends for advice and reading some other babywise blogs, I've started putting Sam in his pack and play for some "solo" playtime in his room. Day 1: Cried the entire time. Day 2: Cried for 15 minutes and right before I went to get him, silence...well except for the sound of blocks crashing together. So, I kept him in there to play some more. He did great, until the phone rang and he remembered that momma was home somewhere. But by then, it was time for a nap so it was okay. I got the house cleaned and Sam was able to play some by himself. I'm hoping that he will be able to come to enjoy these solo playtimes and that he would learn to play some on his own. The next two days will be a little different since I've got workshops and Jared's at youth camp. But, hopefully we'll get back on track and by the time I start school he'll be a walking, talking, pretoddler! Ah!!!! It's so hard being gone during the school year and then home during the summer, but I think Sam and I are enjoying it and making the transition well. We even went to a used book store today and the owner gave Sam a free book! I've been looking for some board books for Sam to read/chew. He's really into animals...giraffes specifically, as crazy as that may sound. The bookstore guy said that they have someone read to the kids on Saturdays and then the kids all get to get a free book from the treasure chest so maybe that will be a summer tradition that we start. I want to take Sam to the zoo this summer, but Jared says he's too young and it's too hot. Does anyone have any good ideas/not too expensive ideas of things to do with a 10 month old in the heat of summer? I'd love to hear what you guys are doing! We've been going to the lake and probably will take many more trips but other than that, what do you do??? Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog, Liz! I seeboard books all the time at garage sales. Don't pay more than 50 cents. Try water play with him...a water bottle, some plastic bowls and spoons, and a plastic pitcher or jug...of course, outside on the porch or in a tiny kiddie pool w/o water in it. He'll splash, pour, and have a gloriously wet time. Popsicles are fun during that, too and the water keeps the stickiness down. Enjoy! I love you guys!
