A few quick updates-
1. Liz had her wisdom teeth out yesterday. It went well, and she's feeling ok today. Let me just say, if you ever get the opportunity to accompany someone to the dentist when they're having work done- do it. You couldn't pay for a better laugh. After the procedure, the nurse came to the waiting room and brought me in to see Liz. She was asleep when I got back there, but woke up (as much as she could) once she realized I was there. At first, she thought something was wrong, and that's why they had brought me back. She got a little scared because she was confused, and felt funny, and really had no idea what was going on. After I calmed her down, and told her I loved her, she pointed at me and held up two fingers. "Me too?" I asked. "You love me too?" "No," she mumbled, through a numb mouth and wads of gauze. "There's two of you." She was seeing double. Then she stuck her tongue out as far as she could. "What are you doing?" I asked. She replied, with her tongue still hanging out, "Ith thith my thongue?" Trying not to laugh, I assured her that yes, that was indeed her tongue. She put it back in her mouth, and started smacking her lips together. "Is this my mouth?" she asked. I couldn't help it. I laughed, and said, "Yes, babe. That's your mouth. You're ok. Just try to rest." We eventually got to the car, and she slept the whole way home. It was quite comical. She's totally coherent today, and aside from some soreness and swelling, she's ok.
2. Last night was my turn to take care of Sam. We alternate nights, and since Liz was on drugs yesterday, I took last night. We gave him a bottle at about 10:30 and put him to bed. He woke up for a bottle at 4, and went back to sleep. He took another bottle at 7:30, but then we brought him to our room, where we all slept until 9:30. And THAT is a great morning when you've got a two month old.
3. Week one of running again is almost in the books. I went Monday, and planned to go again Wednesday, but we had a big church party Wednesday night that kept me tied up all day, so I didn't make it. I rode the bike pretty hard for half an hour last night, and will go running this afternoon. Summary: Wanted to do 4 days, only did 3. Feeling good. Lost 3 pounds. I'd give it 2.5 out of 5 stars.
And finally, today starts a pretty crazy week. Our music minister, Waylon, and I are leading a revival in Nome, TX. We're driving to Beaumont to stay the night tonight. We'll do two services tomorrow, then come home. We'll drive back Monday for an evening service, then come home again. Then Tuesday, Paul will go with us, because after that service, we're all driving to Houston, stay the night, and we fly to Atlanta Wednesday morning for Catalyst 2009. (It's a big leadership conference- this is my 4th year to go.
www.catalystconference.com Andy Stanley, Rob Bell, Francis Chan, Matt Chandler, Dave Ramsey...just to name a few) The conference is Thursday and Friday, we'll be back Saturday evening.
Life is hectic, but oh so good.
Be blessed, and be a blessing today,