Thursday, August 13, 2009

Samuel Joseph Hollier

He arrived at 1:18 this afternoon. 9 lbs, 13 oz, 20 inches- and amazing...

More pictures will come soon, but now it's late, I'm exhausted. Liz and Sam are both asleep, and I'm gonna join them. It's amazing that he's here. We've been planning and waiting and he's here. Say a prayer for him and we'll update some more through the weekend. If you're reading this, we love you and are thankful for your prayers and friendship.



  1. He's precious! I love the pic with Jared's mom- he looks very serious. Love yall(and Sam!)

  2. Oh that Hollier's a charmer!!

    Ya, ya, you are too Jared....BUT... I mean the one without the glasses! :)

  3. He's beautiful!! Congratulations!

  4. Ahhh! I just sat here and cried looking at those pictures! I am so happy for you guys! He could not be any cuter! We're so glad he is here safely and we hope you heal soon, Elizabeth. We love you guys and we can't wait to see him in person!

  5. Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys! You are now a famiy of 3! WOW!!!! Sam is ADORABLE! Can't wait to meet him in person.
    Love: Alexa

  6. Awesome! glad he's here! Welcome to the world baby Sam.

  7. He is absolutely precious. It brings tears of joy to my eyes knowing the Lord has brought one more precious angel into this world that will grow up to love and serve Him! :) YEAH!

    I showed Sam's pictures to Analeigh and she said, "WOW - he's cute! I want to go see him! :)"

    We love you Hollier's! You are in our prayers,
    Matt, Kendra and Analeigh

  8. We are so happy for you two. I truly enjoy reading your posts and they make me want to be a better person every time I read them. You two are such a blessing to the people that know you. Sam is in good hands!
