Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Big Day!

This Thursday at 1:00 Samuel Joseph Hollier is expected to make his big debut into our world! I can't even begin to tell you the whirlwind of emotions I'm feeling at this very moment. The fact that there is a day and a time attached is a little crazy to think about, but we are so excited! Everyone keeps asking us, "Are you ready?"....I want to say are you crazy?! Who can be ready for this baby who is going to come in and change your life completely in ways that you don't even know about yet. So I simply say, "We are as ready as we can be." We've read the books, talked with each other, talked with other people, prayed about it (A LOT!)...we've done everything possible to prepare ourselves mentally, emotionally, spiritually, but there is no way that we could know the depth of the change we are going to feel. When I think about how I'll feel when the doctor first puts Sam into my arms, I just about lose it emotionally! I know it's going to be an amazing ride that we are going to learn sooo much through. I can't wait. I'm so excited to actually see Sam face to face...not feel him inside me or see him on a tv screen, but actually see him, touch him, kiss his chubby cheeks (yes we have already seen those 3d), get to know his little personality, teach him about the ways of the Lord...all the things that parents do for their little ones.

Just yesterday I was telling Jared about the dream I had...again pregnancy brings about the weird dreams. Anyway, my dream was that Sam (who was like 7 or 8 years old) and I were sitting at the kitchen table and I was talking to him about how we treat other people when they are ugly to us or to people we love. I was still thinking about this past Sunday and how we would have to explain things if our son had been a part of the whole night. Anyway, I was explaining that Jesus taught to love and have compassion. Then Sam asked what compassion was, so we continued talking about compassion and why do we need to have compassion on people just like Jesus did. It was really an amazing life lesson I was teaching my son here! It made me excited for the times when I will have teachable moments to teach my son about how the Lord wants us to live. It's so different from the world, and from what is natural to us..to me. My first reaction is not to love and forgive....it's to take offense and defend my man (or whoever is getting hurt), but that's not what God tells us to do. He tells us to be sssslllllooooowww to anger. I'm still working on that.

I'm praying that through all of life's changes, especially Sam's arrival that the Lord would use this little life to teach us life lessons just like we want to teach him. He has so much to teach us, and we have so much to teach him. Truly a life changing, growing process.


1 comment:

  1. Is he here yet?!?! ;)

    Can't wait to meet him! Love you girl! Praying for you as I type!!
