Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy 17 months, Sam!

In recognition of Sam's 17 months of life in this world, here's a recap of what we've been up to lately:

1. Obeying: Thank you, Lord! Sam says the word "back" when we ask him to put something back. He'll even take his toys from the living room all the way to his bedroom! Wow...let's hope this continues. He knows how to close doors, throw things away, and try to get undressed (for bath time of course). He is quickly learning how to listen and do the things we are asking him to do, which is wonderful. Things we're working on: NO. He's not getting this picture. He is really obedient to do the things we ask him to do, but the things that are "no no's" he's not so much obedient. We are working through this daily, and it's probably the hardest thing about this parenting stage. If he could just learn that no means don't do it, then we'd all be great. How true that is in our own lives as well.

2. Development: Sam is loving books more everyday. It's not unusual for him to grab a book and plop in my lap, us read it, put it "back", and get another one at least 5 times before he's ready to move onto something else. Right now we're working on shapes and sounds. He knows that trucks/cars say "vroom" and cows say "moo". He can also say/identify "star" and we're semi ready to move onto other shapes like circle and heart. He can also sort shapes (which is a big deal bc he used to get so frustrated he would throw the blocks...yep, that's hard headed for ya). He's also learned to dance, which is the funniest thing ever! He just stomps his feet over and cute!

3. Talking: I'm so thankful for Sam's talking. I was so stressed for the longest that he wouldn't talk, but now it seems everyday he is mimicking more of what we say. Here's a list of what he's saying so far:
mama, dada, snack, more, back(for put it back), back back (for back pack), star, light, bye, stack, bath, moo (for cows), vroom (for any loud vehicle), yo (for both Yo Gabba and yogurt), book, night (for night night), door, nana (for both banana or Nana), Maw (for Memaw), Paw (for PawPaw...we're still working on Gran), ball, Jesus, baby, and dog. I think that's about it. It's crazy when you sit down and try and think of all the things he says. The next thing we're working on is please, thank you, and Amen. The cutest thing to see is when we pray before meals or before bed how his face lights up. I wonder what's going on in that little mind of his, and I can't wait to watch him grow in the Lord. I pray every night for him...that He would love and serve the Lord all the days of his life.

4. Playing: Sam's favorite things to do in no particular order would be reading books with Mama, throwing balls with Daddy, drawing with who ever will let him stand on their legs to reach the tipsy top of the easel, playing basketball (more like dunking with Daddy), scooting on his giraffe bicycle, playing with the talking ear thermometer (he sleeps with that thing....weird), and last but certainly not least the refrigerator. I remember when we got our fridge wondering why there was a lock button on the ice and I know. We have to make sure every single time we use it that we lock it back, otherwise there will be a giant puddle all over the floor right beside a soaking wet toddler! Oh, the joys! :)

What an amazing gift God has given us with our little Sambo! I never could have possibly imagined how great our life would be with him in it. Happy Birthday, buddy! Mama loves you!

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