Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

This is my Mother's Day gift. I've been wanting a swing for our front porch, but after seeing this glider I decided that's what I wanted. This was only the fifth thing I told Jared I wanted for Mother's Day, but he knew it would be perfect since we've wanted a swing since we bought our house.

Sam and I on our way to church. When will I learn to leave the necklaces at home for a while? Later on that day, he had it in his mouth and took some of the paint off...hmmm.

Daddy and Sam at Memaw's house. They went for a little swim. Sam loved it even though the water was freezing! Can't wait for summertime trips to the lake!

We went to Cousin Logan's birthday party. They had the coolest water table! It was a huge pirate ship. Sam loved it as if you can't tell!

This crazy boy! We stayed the night at Nana and PawPaw's house so they could get some Sam time too. This kid is definitely spoiled that's for sure!
We had a great weekend. Friday we went to see my cousins from Hawaii and Oklahoma at my Grandma Greene's house. We were able to visit with Dad and Patty along with my other cousins too. It was nice to get to see everyone, even if it was for just a short time. Then we went to Mom's house for the night. Sam, belive it or not, stayed up later than me! Saturday we went to cousin Logan's 1st birthday party, then to the Hollier's for lunch. Sunday we went to church, had lunch, set up my glider and worked in the yard a little. The perfect relaxing day for me. It was wonderful! I'm so thankful to be a mama to such an amazing kid. Sam is getting so big and learning so much. He is quickly learning tricks of the trade from his Daddy on how to make his Momma laugh. Once he does something that makes me laugh, he starts laughing too! And it's the cutest thing! I never knew how much fun being a momma could be, but more than that how much God could teach me. I'm constantly reminded of just how faithful God is. When I don't know what to do, God is there. When I'm frustrated, God is there. When I'm exhausted, God is there. No matter what I'm going through God is there. I never knew how much I depended on God until I became a mom! Ha! I know that's the best thing I can do as a mom though. Sam challenges me to be the person God wants me to be. When he is disobedient (already), I pray that he would be an obedient son to us and to the Lord. Already Sam is bringing others closer to God. That's what I want for his life. Lord, help me to be an obedient follower of you. Help me to set an example to Sam as to what a servant is. Help him to know You by what he sees in Jared and me. Thank you for entrusting Sam in our care. May we never take him for granted. Every day is a sweet and precious gift.

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