There are so many people who were in and out those few days that meant the world to us. Please don't think your picture didn't get posted so it wasn't a big deal, because it was to us. Everyone who plays a role in our lives is a big deal. We are so truly blessed to have such an amazing family and friends. It's such a neat thing that God chooses to bless us with things that we never even knew how much we needed. We love you all...and Mom: I will post more recent pictures as soon as I find that stinkin' cord! Love you!
Here recently I've been getting all kinds of sentimental, emotional...whatever you want to call it. Several people I know have all been having babies. Now don't get me wrong, we want more kids...just not right now. But, as I look at all of the beautiful little newborns, it makes me sad. I can remember Sam being that small. I remember his clothes were always too big. Now, they are always too small! I'm always going up a size in his closet! I can remember Jared and I saying how we couldn't wait for Sam to start to play. Now, I just want him to snuggle a little longer. I used to want him to sleep through the night. Now, I'm awake and I can't wait for him to wake up. It is 8:01 a.m. on Saturday morning BTW! :) So this morning I was looking through pictures on the computer of when he was first born, brand new. I can look through pictures and still remember how I felt. The anxiety of when he first started to cry. I didn't know what to do. Was he hungry? Did he have a dirty diaper? I can remember Stacey saying, "You can give him a pacifier if you want. Sometimes it helps their little tummies if they have gas." I can just remember the panic hitting me. This little guy is our responsibility. We are his parents. The things he learns about God, life, love, EVERYTHING, is going to be because of what we taught him (and sadly the world too if we let it). What a huge responsibility. Now, he's almost 5 months old. Do we have it all together? Uh...NO! But, I think we do a good job of knowing what his cries mean. Is he growing like a weed? Uh....YES! Seriously, everyday we are getting rid of old clothes that don't fit and washing the new ones that are the next size up! Good grief! I decided to post some pictures (Yes, Mom I am posting new ones!) from the day that changed our lives forever. BTW...I will also post pics from Christmases/New Years Celebrations when I can find our cord again. I'm sure it's hidden somewhere in a suitcase. But for now, enjoy some of these special pics that didn't get posted or you may not have seen.
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