Sunday, April 26, 2009

Food for Thought...

So this weekend was yet again a crazy one. I'm really ready for some down time...maybe that will come soon. Jared did a DNOW in Mont Belvieu this weekend and I did some shopping with Patty. We shopped all day! We found a baby book, the outfit Sam will wear home from the hospital, and of course lots of other non essential things. When I got home Saturday night I went to a friend's engagement party while Jared was still gone. Long story short, he got home about 11. I had tried to stay up, but fell asleep in the recliner. When I wake up, I can tell he's all excited about something. And his words were, and I quote, "Liz! So we went to this garage sale and you'll never guess what I bought!" At that moment in time, I felt like the oldest person in the world b/c I knew whatever it was, it was going to be useless junk. As Jared built up the suspense about what a deal this "toy" was I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. And what was this toy you might ask? It was a magic set, full of all things magical. Rings, magic hats, you name it. I was furious! Jared kept saying, "But Liz, it was only $10!". The money wasn't the issue. The issue was that it was another toy that he would play with and forget about in two days. I even said that. Then, the conviction came. Thats the worst. I could see that I crushed his spirit, his "inner child" if you will. I couldn't just be excited that he got something fun that he could bring and show the kids at church. Not only did I crush his spirit, I stomped and spit on it. How awful of me. I went to bed thinking about it, even after we had talked the situation through. How I pray that I won't ever do that again to my husband or even Sam. I think it boils down to the fact that I'm a little envious of my husband's youthfulness. He nevers gets "bogged down" in the worries of life like I do. Why, just this afternoon we came home from church and for some weird reason our air conditioner had leaked all over our carpet. GREAT! This isn't the first of many things that have gone wrong in our little "fixer upper". But, like a true youth, I laughed at the irony of it all. As I sit here and type, Jared found a label maker and stuck the label "dork" onto my forehead. I love this guy. He keeps me sane, in a world that seems to have gone mad. Anyway, those are my thoughts. I'm going to try not to be so "grown up" this week. Funny how all my life I wanted to be grown up and now I'm trying to embrace youthfulness again? Irony is a killer. More thoughts to come,

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth, I found you through Journaling Gina. You have a great blog-I love your honesty. You're writing what a lot of people are thinking, so keep it up! I too married a guy who is way young at heart, and my kids love it! I am learning that I need to relax a whole lot more, love him as he is (and he is great!!!!). Danny blogs too, and his blog shows his very serious side (it's the deep well part of him that God created.) Well, enjoy blogging and I'll come by and see how things are going. Blessings!
