Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blooming Personality

I titled this post, blooming personality because it seems like that's what I've been talking about a lot lately. When Sam hit 12 months this blooming personality came out. Now first let me tell you...Sam has always been a ham. He gets it honest..really. But since turning a year, his "hamness" has been cranked up a few notches! And I just can't get enough of it! BUT...now that we're over the 13 month hill, another blooming personality trait has come out...curiosity! And can I just say, I LOVE IT! Everything is "Dat? Dat?" Can you tell what he's saying..."What's that? What's that?" I have been so stressed about Sam speaking but I've come to realize that he's okay where he is. Here are some of the words Sam is saying now: Mama, Da, book, dog, nana (for any kind of food or drink he may want), ball, light, ni(for night night), and I'm pretty sure du (for duck) and of course dat?(with expression mind you). He's also turning the lights on and off, opening and closing doors, learning eyes, nose, and mouth, throwing and picking up balls, turning pages for books, and walking now thank the Lord. Can you tell I'm a proud momma???? I still stress out about him being exposed to enough or challenged enough, but at the same time I want to keep his curiousity and wonder of a child. I told myself once he started to walk I wouldn't worry so much. Then I found myself saying, once he talks I won't worry so much. But now he's walking and talking and I'm still worried about him! I'm beginning to think the worrying will never end...and I'm also beginning to understand how my parents felt! I know the worrying is because I love him and I want the best for him, but I know that worrying in itself is still sin. I'm not trusting my precious Sam to the creator of him to begin with!

I'm praying that I will learn to trust my Heavenly Father more with the things that are important to me and not worry so much about the things that aren't important to me ( or rather shouldn't be important to me).

I don't know if these blog posts are ever encouraging or challenging to you, but they always tend to be for me. I guess just putting it out there into my own thoughts helps the Holy Spirit speak as my fingers type. Mmm...modern technology and the Holy Spirit's conviction. I like it.


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