Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nate- 5 months

I'm not even going to apologize this month for my lack of posting.  I'll just be honest and real with the few of you who actually read this thing anymore...I will post whenever I don't have school. :)  So pretty much stay tuned over Spring Break, Easter, Summer, & Christmas Break.  I can't believe Nate is almost 6 months!  I had to hurry up and do this post before it's time to turn around and do another one!  My how time sure flies.

Here's what this little man has been up to:

Wearing 6-9 month clothes
Size 3,sometimes 4, shoes (holy cow, I know!)
Size 3 diapers
Drooling like crazy, but still no teeth!
Sitting up with a boppy so Momma doesn't worry
Sleeping wonderfully until 7 am (unless he's sick)
Getting lots of sicknesses from brother
Scooting and/or rolling over and over to get places
Laughing out loud (it's the cutest thing)
Starting to have some favorite toys
Sucking on his thumb AND a blanket
Loving everyone!  Always smiles for family, friends, neighbors, whoever!  :)

Here's what this big boy has been up to:

Outgrowing all of his 2T clothes
Size 9 shoes
NO pull ups anymore (except at night)!!!! Can I get an AMEN!?!
All about being a big boy!  Nate is a baby, but he is a big boy
Such a helper! Everything is "Sure!"
A little ham like his Daddy...
Favorite sayings:
"Awesome!" (with two thumbs up of course)
"Sure!" (when asked to do something)
"Oh, sorry sorry" (you must repeat it twice)
"I'll be a good boy" (if he's gotten in trouble)
"I do it by myself, Momma" (makes me sad every time)
"I wanna read my Bible" (favorite stories are usually about Paul or Jacob & Rachel)
Loving preschool and learning so much!  He enjoys his friends and his teachers.  I'm always amazed at what he says.
Loves, loves, loves going to church and seeing Mrs. Kim and all his other church friends.  He's already learned where the candy is kept...those preacher's kids I tell ya.
Favorite books: His Bible, Goodnight You, Goodnight Moon, & still Five Silly Monkeys

Who would have thought my life would have been this crazy fun with these two little guys?  I'm so thankful that God has given me such an amazing blessing.  Jared is one heck of a guy and we get to live this life together raising these boys to love Jesus.  It's not easy, but I sure feel blessed to do it.